LinkedIn for Bosses
Enroll Now 11999 7999/-
17th Feb, 2024
LinkedIn for Bosses
Enroll Now 11999 7999/-
17th Feb, 2024
LinkedIn for Bosses: Transform Your Profile into a Profitable Asset

Build, Grow, and Monetize your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

I went from 0 to 250K+ followers on LinkedIn and generated 3.5M USD in revenue for my clients in less than 3 years.

Join me to get my proven strategies to go viral consistently, network effectively like a pro, and make money actively.


Years of experience


Followers on LinkedIn


Generated for My Clients

100% SOLD OUT!


Years of experience


Followers on LinkedIn

3.5M USD

Generated for My Clients

Then Start Building Your High Income Personal Brand Today!

These 3 steps will help you building a strong presence online

Master Content Creation

from ideation to monetization

Identify your target audience to clearly understand their preferences, struggles, and desires

Learn different brainstorming techniques and brain exercises to fuel your creativity

Consistently generate original and insightful content that not only drives engagement but money too

Build Authority

make people know your name

Use Human Psychology to influence your audience.

Learn the art of storytelling for increased relatability and audience engagement.

Introduce innovative ideas and lead important conversations.

Network like a Pro

from connections to leads

Handle negative interactions tactfully and maintain your professional image.

Craft compelling messages that get you the desired results.

Real time methods to turn your connections into powerful leads

Meet YOUR mentor

Hi, I'm Saheli

Founder of Freelance 101 Academy, a real-time 7-Figure Freelancer, an Agency Owner, and a Dog Mom.

I started my LinkedIn Journey back in 3 years and today, I have grown a community of 250K+ Followers, made $70K alone from LinkedIn and generated $3.5M for my Clients.

Of course, it wasn’t as easy as it seemed, because I was doing things without any guidance.

But that will not be the case for YOU.

You will be learning directly from ME, who has all the answers to your questions. The What, When, Why, and How Things Work on LinkedIn.

And yes, the RIGHT WAY so..

Elevate your online personal brand today!

Ready to Get Amazing Results in the Next 45 Days?

Just like our students got after implementing the right and proven strategies!

Introducing "LinkedIn for Bosses"

What you will learn in 6 Week Live Cohort

Get access to experts, education, and opportunities in this program.

Week 1: Setting the foundation

Importance of LinkedIn for personal branding.

Handle negative interactions tactfully and maintain your professional image.

Setting individual goals.

Crafting a compelling LinkedIn headline and summary.

Choosing the right profile photo and cover image.

Adding relevant skills and endorsements.

Strategies for connecting with relevant professionals.

Creating personalized connection requests.

Engaging with your existing network.

Week 2: Leveraging content for visibility

Why content is crucial on LinkedIn.

Identifying your target audience.

Planning your content calendar.

Types of content that work best on LinkedIn.

Crafting engaging posts and articles.

Tools and resources for content creation.

Introduction to LinkedIn analytics.

Measuring the impact of your profile and content.

Adjusting your strategy based on data.

Review of the week's lessons.

Answering participant questions.

Identifying trending topics in your industry.

Creating a content plan for the week.

Week 3: Building thought leadership

Writing attention-grabbing headlines and captions.

Incorporating storytelling into your content.

Visual content strategies (images, videos, infographics).

The art of commenting and sharing.

Building meaningful relationships through engagement.

LinkedIn etiquette and best practices.

Techniques for attracting more followers.

Collaborations and partnerships for growth.

Measuring follower growth and engagement.

Benefits of writing long-form articles.

Tips for structuring and formatting articles.

Showcasing expertise through thought leadership.

Review of the week's content-focused lessons.

Addressing participant questions.

Strategies for positioning yourself as an industry authority.

Week 4: Networking & Outreach

Strategies for expanding your network strategically.

Leveraging LinkedIn groups and communities.

Tips for using advanced search features.

Crafting personalized connection requests.

Effective messaging techniques for outreach.

Building rapport with new connections.

Nurturing professional relationships on LinkedIn.

Strategies for maintaining engagement.

Handling negative interactions gracefully.

Hosting LinkedIn workshops for your network.

Webinar promotion and registration strategies.

Engaging participants during live events.

Weekly Recap and Q&A

Review of networking and outreach-focused lessons.

Addressing participant questions.

Week 5: Personal Branding and Domination

Defining your personal brand.

Aligning your brand with your career goals.

Identifying key brand attributes.

Crafting content that reinforces your brand.

Telling your professional story.

The role of authenticity in personal branding.

Leveraging your network for collaborations.

Guest appearances on others' content.

Building a mutually beneficial network.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Sharing real-life success stories and case studies.

Showcasing client testimonials and results.

Inspiring trust through transparency.

Measuring Thought Leadership Impact

Evaluating your thought leadership progress.

Tracking engagement, connections, and reach.

Adjusting your strategy for maximum impact.

Week 6: Growth and Beyond

Reflecting on the entire program journey.

Celebrating personal achievements and growth.

Identifying ongoing LinkedIn goals.

Expanding your business using LinkedIn.

Strategies for finding and attracting clients.

Building a company presence on LinkedIn.

Commitment to lifelong learning and growth.

Resources for staying informed.

Participants present their LinkedIn transformations and strategies.

Peer feedback and insights.

Celebratory closing session.

Graduation ceremony and certificates.

6 weeks

17 February, 2024

Live online classes

Skill level
Beginner to Advance

Along with a comprehensive curriculum, you will get:

Elevate your skills with personalized mentorship and live support

2X Weekly Live Sessions

Meet your expert mentor Saheli and have your tasks reviewed each week. Ask as many questions as you want and go out with a clear mind!

A Dedicated List of Resources and Tools

Get introduced to top tools and resources that can help you automate some of the repetitive tasks.

WhatsApp Community Support

Get to connect with like minded peers, where you learn and grow together. Expect tailored guidance from our team so that you can focus on your growth.

Live Recordings

You’ll get the Recordings of the sessions in case you miss them by chance.

If you enroll today, you get:

Access to Cohort Content and all Live Recordings

Value 14,999 INR

2x Weekly Live Sessions

Value 13,999 INR

Top Ebooks to help you Implement the right strategies

Value 7,999 INR

Constant VIP Support

Value 6,999 INR

4 Masterclasses to Learn High Value Skills

Value 14,999 INR

1:1 Call with Saheli For the Top Performers

Value 12,999 INR

Special Bonuses

I love to support my Students with the Best Learning Resources curated from my Personal Experiences and Practical Learning. I always like to upskill and share what I learn.

So if you join TODAY, you’ll get access to:


LinkedIn Templates to Make 50 LACs a Year - The Saheli Way

This E-book will provide you with the best outreach templates I used to get High Value Clients from LinkedIn.


101 Content Style Guide: Transform the Way You Write

This Guide will provide you with insights on how you can leverage your writing style and make the content that makes the readers engaged.


Content Dissection of My Top Viral LinkedIn Posts

Want to know why my LinkedIn posts usually get viral and have high reach? This E-book will help you to know what works and what not, when it comes to creating content.

To Avail These Bonuses

Bonuses worth 7999 INR

4 Week Content Calendar Template

This template is a HACK to all your content solutions. Learn the amazing way to create a 30 Days content calendar in just 30 mins.

Headline Prompts Exercise

What makes you read or consume the whole content? Headline or Hooks right? This exercise will help you to write 11 Powerful Headlines to grab your audience’s attention.

Thought Leadership Worksheet

Want to be in the TOP 1% LinkedIn Creators? This worksheet & exercise will completely change the way you create content and will make you a Thought Leader in your industry.

LinkedIn Persona Building Exercise

This exercise will help you to set your goals clearly and solve 70% of problems you face while creating content on LinkedIn.

Total Value: 79,993+ INR

By the end of this cohort, you will be able to:

Grow a personal brand with 10x credibility and expertise.

Demonstrate thought-leadership through your area of expertise.

Optimize your profile and turn it into a landing page with 10x visits.

Craft personalized message requests and turn into Millions Dollars of Business Deals.

Plan and create 5 times engaging content on LinkedIn utilizing various styles and formats.

Still wondering if this cohort is for you?

Are you…

An Entrepreneur looking to establish a strong online presence, and take your business to the next level by attracting high quality clients.

A Professional who wants to expand your professional network and leverage LinkedIn for career growth.

A Freelancer/Consultant looking to position yourself as a thought leader, showcase your expertise and get consistent inbound leads every month.

A Job seeker who wants to optimize and connect with relevant individuals in the industry.

If you checked any of those boxes, We’re waiting for you!

Don't THINK just ACT, Before it's too late

I chose not to settle for Average, Invest in Yourself NOW and watch your life Transform

Everyone doesn’t get to build the life of their dreams doing what they love SO…

Take hold of what is in front of you and take action!

Don’t let life pass you by. Spots are filling up fast!

Are you ready to take control of your life?

A small recap of everything you will get inside LinkedIn For Bosses

6 modules ranging from basic to advanced concepts of Personal Branding.

Live calls on zoom twice a week with your mentor Saheli.

Access to community for peer reviews and feedback.

6 weeks

17 February, 2024

Live online classes

Skill level
Beginner to Advance

For 11999 7999 INR only!
Limited Time Offer

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I join the course?

After you make the payment, you will be added to our community group with fellow hustlers. You will receive all course related updates in the group.

Are the sessions live or pre-recorded?

Every session is live and online. In case you miss a session, you will be provided with recordings.

What if I realize that this course is not for me?

We are super sure that you will learn and implement something new by the end of the course. However, we’ll consider a refund (incase) after reviewing your activities and making an honest effort to get the most out of this course.

Refund claim to be made within 14 days of initiation of the course.

Will this course run again?

We haven’t planned any future dates as of now. This is your chance to grab this opportunity!

Still have questions?

If you still got more question, feel free to contact.